May 29

Small Shiatsu Dog woke me with paddy paws on my back
and a message about the goodness of the day
and all the refreshment to be found in a nice bowl of kibble.

The yard smells of mown grass and that is all Grace –
and the kitchen now glows with a spring-green-leaf-seeming –

and that is all Grace.

Every day Grace is all around me, holding me in love
and wonder.

May 28

I went a little further today,
and I did some trail work in the sense of clearing branches out of the new path.
And I processed some regrets,
which is a lot like clearing branches out of a new path.

OK, Thursday, apparently you want to be Metaphor Day.
I can go with that.
Now, what is “ignoring the laundry” a metaphor-for?

Alignment Day, 2020

A tiny, tiny part of the Dance of the Stars –
not causal, but effectal (footnote) –
The light streams in, crosses the space which we have tried to hallow,
and exits exactly there.

In some places it might be about where the shadow falls at the Moment.
In this place, it is about the light.

(footnote: it is so a word, ’cause you understood me!)

May 21st

We walked to a piece of quartz that marks the center of our grove.
Not the beech grove near the beaver lodge
But the beech grove which would have been the best house site except for getting things actually out to it.

Like building materials.

Some very excellent advice we had many years ago:
find the second best house site and build there.

Now we can go to the best spot and enjoy it still –
it’s not the same, it’s full of beech saplings,
but I’m not the same either.