September 23, 2016

The Morning of Autumn

Do I begin from a place of balance?
Shall I begin from a place of balance?
So… where is this famous place of balance?

Equal night, equal day, harvest – yes!  
These I understand, these I celebrate, these I am deeply grateful for!

I can’t claim to begin from balance, stillness, all-in-order.  
But I can begin from a place of deep gratitude.  Here it is:

Thank you, beloved Great Spirit.
Simply thank you.
Always thank you.
I am grateful for this harvest, this privilege, this wealth in my life
I am humbled by the crisp of the apple and its juice, sweet, tart.
I weep with joy that there is food to give my family.
If I slice it one way, I see the star;
if I slice it another way, a quarter moon.
If I come upon Apple in the woods, 
some last sisters of an orchard hanging on with sass and spunk 
long after the farmhouse has gone to nothing but stone foundation
then I relish the bite and hard and small of feisty survivor apples
and know that my feast is shared with you,
with the Antlered One
with The Wild Family.
From apple to wonder to looking into liquid eyes unfathomable
which say that winter is coming.
Does it always come down to that?

I think it must.
Even in the joyful throes of gratitude and plenty, you tell me that winter is coming.

Maybe balance is not stillness.
Maybe balance is holding the last rays of summer sun in my hair and the first whispers of frost in my forward-looking eye.

If balance is motion, dance, juggle, then I can begin from balance.
Gratitude and worry,
Light and dark,
Summer and winter.

Here we go.

Birch Island Books Editing Services

Will you edit my writing?


We have a few ground rules, a few procedures, and a simple fee schedule.

Ground rules?

• I’m sticking for now to speculative fiction, fantasy, science fiction, paranormal, crossover, or things which defy definition by genre but the bookstore people would put you on those shelves.  No nonfiction unless it’s technical or reference.  I love a good trigonometry table.

• No nonconsensual sex scenes, I can’t let that kind of energy into my life.  In a character’s past with brief mention is OK, but don’t push on that boundary.  I will simply return your work and money to you.

How does it work?

  • We arrange a start date; just email me and we’ll figure out the schedule
  • You upload your stuff to a Google document and share it with me.
  • You send your payment to our paypal account.
  • We treat your work with the utmost respect and attention.
  • We comment directly on the Google document.
  • If you’re checking in to the Google document as well, you might even be able to answer our questions or concerns while we’re in the process.


I – Sparrow – am the primary editor.  Sometimes my wife lends a hand.  She’s fabulous – she’s my line editor.  If you go into Very Techie Realms, I’ll ask my resident Tech Support to run their eyes over it, too.

How about the fee schedule?

$1,000 US per Thing.

A Thing can be:

  • Two Page Response Thing to a complete novel with plot holes, character comments, open questions, etc.
  • Line Editing Thing – very detailed – for any 25,000 words.  That can be a couple of novelettes, one sticky section in the middle of a long work, epic poetry, anything.
  • Obviously I’d be happy to line edit your 125,000 word novel, just buy five Things.
  • If you have a novel ready for me, I suggest you buy a Two Page Response Thing, see if you like my work, then buy enough Line Editing Things to cover the whole novel or the portion that needs it most.  That way I already know the setting and characters in case you set me down on page 342.

Paragraph Numbers for Chapter 5 of the 1937 Edition of The Hobbit

For those of us working with the fascinating 1937 edition of The Hobbit, here’s your index to all the paragraphs of Chapter V.  This chapter is the most changed between 1937 and 1951, with different plot elements and a very different Gollum.  Each paragraph is identified by the prefix 1937.05. then the paragraph number within that chapter.  Thank you to John Rateliff for his help with the text.  Gratitude to my Data Mooshing Specialist, Daroc Alden.

I have used this text:

Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit: or There and Back Again. The Children’s Book Club (1942).

1937 Chapter 5 Hobbit index

Paragraph Numbers for The Hobbit

Fellow Tolkien fans and academicians, we’re happy to know that so many different editions and printings of The Hobbit abound.  In your scholarly writings of doom, you dutifully write down the page numbers for your quotations, but when your readers go searching for it – their page numbers are probably different.  Fear not, here’s your index to all the paragraphs of The Hobbit  by unique paragraph number.  Each paragraph is identified by its chapter number, decimal, paragraph number within that chapter.  May clarity reign.  Thank you to Robin Reid for her help with the text.  Gratitude to my Data Mooshing Specialist, Daroc Alden.

I have used the text edited by Douglas Anderson: Tolkien, J.R.R. (2012-02-15). The Hobbit: 75th Anniversary Edition. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.

Hobbit Paragraph Index

A Fair Trade

This tale took much time in the telling.  First the deer introduced me to the Forest, and then three completely different children had an adventure there before Sierra and her little siblings could tell me their story.  I hope that you look forward to many other tales in this woods…

A Fair Trade